Moleskine x UC Berkeley - The Future of Handwriting

Project Statement:

Growing up as a second generation Asian-American, language and the ability to articulate has proved to be a key survival tool for me. However, it also has proved to be a barrier to express emotion, explain complex situations, or connect with others on an “authentic” basis. A writing style that I envision for (or hope to see in) the future is a two step writing system. 

  1. Using any colored pen, allow your hand to move the pen around your paper without lifting the pen up nor holding any constraint. Repeat this for every thought, statement, or thread that you would want to articulate.

  2. After allowing yourself time away from your writing (the time is determined by yourself), use a DIFFERENT colored pen to “edit” - highlighting certain images, blacking out certain curves and lines, or completely writing over a new image. 

  3. Send your letter.

Through a lack of words, I find a writing system such as this serves multiple purposes. First, the initial step allows to track thoughts and emotions through a different form other than writing. In this case, emotions are tracked through paths of movement. Secondly, using a different colored pen to “edit” also records one’s evolution of thought. Through our current writing system of words and statements, previous thoughts and lines of thought often get erased, new words and new sayings write over the initial thought - much so that I find words have an ability to erase the more re-articulation occurs. Through this writing system, I heavily focused on this concept of “tracking,” which I find can help us reconnect ourselves to each others’ growth, feelings, and paths.